Test instructions
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UX audit score
We are testing as to which cart icon is more appealing and intuitive to our users. Please select which one would you prefer and give a reason why?
21.00 secs
100 so what?

Option#1 Winner

Success rate:

55.67% success rate

This option is the choice of users and test data shows that it is 99% likely to be statistically significant. You can be absolutely confident about this option performing better for users.

Chosen times
Avg. time taken
Success rate
28.27 secs

Post click question:

  • very relatable
  • easy viewable
  • looks better to me
  • looks better to me
  • goes with UI
  • sleek UI
  • sleek
  • sleeker
  • Line icon
  • icons
  • this is cool
  • layout issue
  • just random
  • It's simpler
  • I prefer minimalist style icons
  • This one is simpler and more what I expect in an icon lately.
  • Flat style suits iOS better,
  • I prefer a simpler, but more effective of a design. This one is.
  • I prefer this one, as it is "softer" and more minimalistic. Ties good with the rest of the UI.
  • it's cleaner and more modern looking.
  • they're basically the same
  • Just looks cleaner
  • Simpler
  • no
  • Cart is recognizable but the yellow color would help
  • blah blah
  • kkk
  • The cart icon is clear. the other icon is something you have to think about in order to understand what it is (had to look carefully to know that its a bag)
  • 그냥
  • neat
  • lksllsf
  • The cart icon is more easy to identifiable than shopping back.
  • clearer icon
  • dfdf
  • 123
  • Reminds me more of other carts
  • I like the cart design better. More familiar.
  • Clear
  • dfgdf
  • I see this everywhere
  • look like a cart
  • The yellow one (which I didn't pick), screams for attention
  • cart
  • looks easiest to understand
  • Seems to match UI more
  • I like the shopping cart icon
  • universal icon
  • I like the flat icon design.
  • clearer
  • cart more recognizable
  • the color of element was more harmonic
  • xdv
  • I feel cart is more easy for me to understand
  • appealing
  • More familiar with cart icon, even though the shopping bag has more brighten color
  • Icons are less distracting
  • kjno
  • no
  • It's simple and recognizable but doesnt draw your attention
  • The cart is easier to recognise
  • i like the cart better
  • Easier for me to understand that I have three items in my cart.
  • its more obvious
  • looks more like a shopping cart
  • testing
  • big font
  • the icon is more clear
  • Looks more consistent
  • icon was familiar
  • simple cart
  • clearer
  • Easily recognizable without being too distracting
  • just because of the shopping cart difference
  • more clean
  • Easier to identify
  • Easier to identify
  • it looks familiar
  • Looked better than the shopping bag
  • It's more popular
  • na
  • a
  • its more familiar to me, I instantly know what to expect here
  • looks more like a shopping cart
  • It was easier to identify what was the icon. On the second option it took me more time to identify the drawing.
  • ukhjkl;
  • The shopping cart image is top of mind than the shopping bag
  • clean icon
  • Clean
  • I dont have a specific reason for this option
  • clearer
  • Ttt
  • xx
  • nnn
  • no
  • shopping cart logo is more obvious
  • More familiar - easier to recognise
  • Cart is well / better known icon. Bag is cute though.
  • looks simple
  • no
  • no
  • fiquei mais confortável com o ícono de carrinho minimalista
  • More classic and easier to understand
  • no
  • more intuitive, because a lot of websites use this kind of cart icon. „Don't make me think“. The other icon leaves me wondering what it does and if I should click it or not
  • icon
  • cart icon
  • looks more uniform
  • The cart is outlined, much cleaner to identify than a bag. Cart icons have been in use for a long time.
  • more clear
  • ihjnjknbjkn
  • The icon is more familiar to me, therefore I know what I have to do with it without thinking - more simpel design

Word cloud:

Test image:


Success rate:

44.33% success rate

Chosen times
Avg. time taken
Success rate
11.87 secs

Post click question:

  • looks like a natural shopping bag
  • shopping bag
  • more noticeable
  • noticeable
  • looks nicer
  • looks cool
  • cooler one
  • seems natural
  • makes more sense to me
  • appealing
  • neat and clean
  • kind of differentiating
  • more intuitive
  • this is much better
  • appealing
  • appealing
  • is more visual
  • I like it
  • I adore it
  • Much better
  • gives a real life feeling of a shopping bag
  • nicer
  • more noticeable
  • noticeable
  • more intuitive
  • intuitive
  • could be on the right
  • nice one
  • nice one
  • noticeable
  • personally liked this
  • where is cart
  • cart
  • how to add to cart?
  • Is this the cart?
  • confusing
  • I like both
  • Both will work for me
  • more natural
  • natural
  • associates with my mental model;
  • i do not understand
  • randomly
  • The colors are nicer.
  • don't like the font either
  • This version is more neat
  • Because I think the design of this app icon looks more elegant and contemporary.
  • The actual icon is larger so that the imagery is more prominent.
  • much clearer, simpler
  • the colours do not seem to blend and complement each other as compared to the colours in this design option.
  • More colors.
  • this one is fancier
  • Plain colors look better than shadowed
  • looks more simple but sophisticated
  • i find this icon to be more visually appealing and it looks more professional.
  • the colors look better
  • the colors look better
  • i like it better
  • Simplicity
  • brighterr
  • the colour was more vibrant
  • Comes off cleaner.
  • The colors on this is much pleasant and vibrant to the eye.
  • I like both but this is slightly more eye-catching
  • the desing is better and the brand looks more modern an profesional
  • the desing is better and the brand looks more modern an profesional
  • The other one is prettier, but it would go out of style very quickly.
  • more reliable and easy to use
  • clean
  • much nice and visually appealing to the eyes
  • much nice and visually appealing to the eyes
  • visually appealing to the eyes
  • visually appealing
  • appealing
  • appealing
  • cooler
  • vibrant colors
  • vibrant
  • found it more appealing
  • Shopping bag
  • hoi
  • cx
  • ,
  • No
  • more appealing
  • No
  • See Clearly
  • gsgerwg
  • f
  • dont know

Word cloud:

Test image: